Does Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Really Work?

Non-surgical fat reduction is an increasingly popular option for those looking for a way to reduce stubborn pockets of fat without undergoing surgery. Learn more about this procedure and find out if it's right for you.

Does Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Really Work?

The intensity of the pain associated with non-surgical fat reduction varies from person to person, but it shouldn't be unbearable. Your doctor will provide you with pain medications to help reduce discomfort. The pain around the treated area should completely go away about 4 weeks after the procedure. Results can be seen as early as three weeks, and the maximum benefit is seen after approximately three months.

The average fat reduction ranges from 10% to 25% per round of treatment, and there is no evidence of side effects throughout the body. A second round of treatment may be needed after several months, depending on the desired results. When performing non-invasive fat extraction, the dermatologist uses a portable device or injections to destroy fat cells. You'll usually see the full effect of the injections used to treat excess chin fat about 3 to 4 months after the last treatment.

Perhaps the most significant, although relatively rare, side effect of cryolipolysis is, paradoxically, the increase in fat growth at the treatment site. Heather Rocheford uses the innovative Body FX fat-reducing laser to contour clients struggling to get rid of persistent fat. Good candidates for non-invasive fat removal have a small lump of fat that remains despite diet and exercise, and their weight is within the normal range for their height. While a liposuction procedure can remove fat and fat cells from certain areas of the body, it's important to note that you can still gain weight after liposuction.

Each type of non-surgical fat reduction works to destroy the cell membranes that surround fat cells and, over time, may appear to melt fat. Non-surgical fat reduction is also called non-surgical liposuction, but it's actually not liposuction at all. Targeting can also be complicated, as the doctor cannot immediately see if the destruction of fat has been effective and must wait for additional treatment periods to pass to refine the effects. Non-surgical fat reduction doesn't produce dramatic results right away and isn't effective for people who need to remove large sections of fat.

So yes, non-surgical fat reduction works for the right patient, but it doesn't compare to traditional liposuction.

Fat reduction treatments

are surprisingly tolerable; most clients feel a slight feeling of warmth during their treatments. The most recent ultrasound-assisted procedures have allowed plastic surgeons to be very precise in reducing fat with a minimum of post-surgical complications. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from a part of the body and eliminates unwanted fat deposits that don't respond well to diet and exercise. Non-surgical fat reduction is an increasingly popular option for those looking for a way to reduce stubborn pockets of fat without undergoing surgery.

It's important to remember that this type of procedure isn't a substitute for diet and exercise; it's best used as an adjunct to a healthy lifestyle. Non-surgical fat reduction can help you achieve your desired body shape without having to go under the knife. If you're considering non-surgical fat reduction, it's important to consult with a qualified doctor who can assess your individual needs and determine if this type of procedure is right for you. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy long-lasting results from your non-surgical fat reduction procedure.

Della Kerfoot
Della Kerfoot

Zombie guru. Infuriatingly humble coffee enthusiast. Amateur twitter maven. Hardcore web junkie. Passionate twitter fan. Incurable internet geek.

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